The Standards for the Protection of Minors at Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw are implemented based on the following principles:

  1. Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw conducts its operational activities with respect for human rights, particularly the rights of children who are especially vulnerable to harm.
  2. The hotel acknowledges its role in conducting socially responsible business and promoting desirable social attitudes.
  3. The hotel emphasizes the legal and social obligation to report any suspected crimes against children to law enforcement authorities and commits to training its employees in this regard.
  4. The hotel commits to educating its staff about circumstances that may indicate that a minor staying at the facility is being harmed and about ways to respond quickly and appropriately to such situations.
  5. One of the effective forms of preventing harm to minors is their identification, including identifying their relationship with the adult they are staying with at the facility. The staff takes all possible steps to identify the minor and their relationship with the accompanying adult.

Chapter I. Hotel Employees

General Principles

  1. Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw commits to educating its employees about circumstances that may indicate that a  minor staying at the facility is being harmed and about ways to respond quickly and appropriately to such situations.
  2. Each employee, before being allowed to work, is familiarized with the Standards for the Protection of Minors (SOM), which is confirmed by signing a statement and commitment to comply with the rules and procedures contained in this document.

Hiring People to Work with Minors

  1. Individuals working with minors must show in their employment history that they have not harmed any child.
  2. Every person employed by Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw, who works directly with minors, must be checked in the Register of Sexual Offenders. The check is conducted by printing the search results from the restricted access register, which is then placed in the checked person's personal file. This check must be repeated annually.
  3. All employees hired to work with children, including those who may potentially come into contact with children, should provide a statement of no criminal record and no ongoing proceedings for offenses against children.

Coordinator for the Standards of Protection of Minors

  1. The supervision of the application of the SOM is conducted by the Entrepreneur.
  2. The Entrepreneur appoints a coordinator for the SOM (hereinafter referred to as the "Coordinator").
  3. The Coordinator organizes and documents the process of employee education regarding the SOM.
  4. The Coordinator records and documents each intervention or reported incident related to child abuse on the facility's premises in a dedicated document ⁠-⁠ the intervention register.
  5. In the case of a justified suspicion that a crime has been committed, the Coordinator is responsible for securing evidence, including surveillance recordings.
  6. Contact details of the Coordinator for the Standards of Protection of Minors:
    Kamila Kowalczyk | Operational Manager
    + 48 603 428 833

Rules for Safe Employee⁠-⁠Child Relations

  1. All employees of Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw are required to follow the rules below.
  2. The primary principle of all actions taken by employees in contact with children on the hotel premises is to treat the child with respect and consider their dignity and needs.
  3. It is unacceptable for employees and other adults to use any form of violence against a child.
  4. It is prohibited to shame, humiliate, neglect, or insult a child.
  5. Sensitive information about the child must not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.
  6. Staff must assure children that if they feel uncomfortable in any situation due to specific behavior or words, they can report it to hotel staff and expect an appropriate response and/or assistance.

Chapter II. Procedure for Identifying a Child During Registration at Reception

  1. When a child is checked into Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw, identification of the child and their relationship with the accompanying adult should be carried out whenever possible.
  2. In unusual and/or suspicious situations that indicate a possible risk of harm to a minor, identification must be conducted by the reception staff.
  3. To identify the child and their relationship with the accompanying adult, the following steps should be taken:
    • Ask for the child’s identity and their relationship with the adult they are with. This can include requesting the child’s identification document or another document confirming that the adult has the right to care for the child (e.g., a civil status record, court ruling). If an identity document is unavailable, ask for the child's details (name, surname, address, PESEL number).
    • If there are no documents indicating the relationship between the child and the adult, ask both the adult and the child about their relationship.
    • If the adult is not the child’s guardian, ask if they have a document showing the guardians’ consent for the trip with the adult (e.g., a written statement of consent from at least one of the child’s parents/guardians).
    • If the adult does not have a consent document, request the phone number of the guardians to call and confirm that the child is staying at the hotel with the adult with the guardians' knowledge and consent.
  4. If the adult resists showing the child's documents or indicating the relationship, explain that the procedure ensures the safety of children at Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw and that such a requirement arises from applicable law.
  5. If the conversation does not resolve doubts about the adult’s intentions regarding the child, discreetly notify the Coordinator for the Standards of Protection of Minors (SOM) or their designated person.
  6. From the moment any doubts arise, both the child and the adult should be under constant observation by the staff and should not be left alone.
  7. The SOM Coordinator or their designated person decides whether to notify the police or, in case of uncertainty, takes over the conversation with the suspicious adult to obtain further clarification.
  8. If the conversation confirms the suspicion of an attempted or committed crime against the child, the Coordinator notifies the police. Further actions follow the principles applicable in cases indicating child harm.
  9. If staff from other departments (e.g., cleaning service, room service, bar and restaurant staff, security) witness unusual or suspicious situations, they should immediately notify the SOM Coordinator or their designated person, who will decide on appropriate actions.

Chapter III. Procedure in Cases Indicating Child Abuse by an Adult

  1. Staff are knowledgeable and, as part of their duties, are attentive to risk factors and symptoms of child abuse.
  2. Staff must immediately inform the SOM Coordinator of any suspicion of child abuse.
  3. A justified suspicion of child abuse arises when:
    • The child reveals the abuse to the staff.
    • The staff observes the abuse.
    • The child has visible signs of abuse (e.g., scratches, bruises) and responds inconsistently and/or chaotically when asked or becomes embarrassed, or there are other circumstances indicating abuse, such as finding pornographic material involving children in the adult's room.
    • The child’s guardian or a third party reports the abuse.
  4. The SOM Coordinator should immediately notify the police of the suspected child abuse. If there is an existing threat to the child’s safety, the employee who suspects the abuse must immediately notify the police and then inform their superiors and the SOM Coordinator.
  5. In cases specified in the Code of Criminal Procedure, a citizen's arrest of the suspected individual can be made to prevent them from leaving the premises. In such a situation, the detained person remains under the supervision of hotel staff until the police arrive.
  6. In every case, the child’s safety should be ensured, and, if possible, the child should remain under the care of an employee until the police arrive.

Chapter IV. Procedure in Cases of Suspected or Confirmed Child Abuse by an Employee or Another Adult

  1. In cases of suspected child abuse by an employee or another adult not directly employed by the hotel, the SOM Coordinator or their designated person must be immediately informed.
  2. If the health or life of the minor is at risk, the police must be immediately notified by calling 112. The person who learned about the incident should also inform the SOM Coordinator.
  3. If an employee has subjected a child to abuse other than committing a crime against them, the SOM Coordinator should investigate all the circumstances and recommend appropriate personnel actions against the employee.
  4. If the person who committed the abuse is not directly employed by the hotel, a recommendation should be made to ban them from entering the hotel premises.

Chapter V. Procedure in Cases of Other Forms of Violence Against a Child by a Parent/Guardian or Another Adult

  1. In cases of child abuse by a parent/guardian or another adult with whom the child is staying at the hotel, any employee witnessing such abuse should respond firmly.
  2. If the health or life of the minor is at risk, the police must be immediately notified by calling 112. The person who learned about the incident should also inform the SOM Coordinator.
  3. If a hotel employee witnesses physical violence against a child, they should try to intervene and stop the abuse.
  4. If a child under the age of 7 is left unattended, the employee who learns of the incident should immediately notify their supervisor and the SOM Coordinator. The first step is to try to locate the parent/guardian or another responsible adult with whom the child is staying at the hotel and explain that the child cannot be left unattended. If the parent/guardian or adult with whom the child is staying is not within the staff's reach or refuses to take responsibility for the child, the police must be notified. In every case, the child's safety must be the primary concern.


  1. Child/Minor – Any person under the age of 18.
  2. Child Abuse – The commission of a prohibited act or a punishable act to the detriment of a child by any person, including a staff member, or endangering the child's welfare, including neglect. All crimes that can be committed against adults can also be committed against children, as well as crimes that can only be committed against children (e.g., sexual exploitation under Article 200 of the Penal Code). Due to the nature of tourist facilities, where seclusion can be easily achieved, the most common crimes on their premises are crimes against sexual freedom and morality, particularly rape (Article 197 of the Penal Code), sexual exploitation of incapacitation and helplessness (Article 198 of the Penal Code), sexual exploitation of dependency or critical situation (Article 199 of the Penal Code), sexual exploitation of a person under 15 years of age (Article 200 of the Penal Code), grooming (enticing a minor using means of distance communication – Article 200a of the Penal Code).
  3. Child’s Guardian – A person entitled to represent the child, in particular, the child's parent or legal guardian. For the purposes of the Standards, a guardian also includes a foster parent.
  4. Staff/Employee – A person employed at Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw under an employment contract, a civil law contract, or a member of the organization.
  5. Hotel – The Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw, owned by CPI Hotels Poland Sp. z o.o.